Interreligious Dialogue Activity

Blessing of St. Anthony Chapel Huai Hia, Mae Hong Son
St. Anthony Chapel is one of the 6 Chapels belonging to the Saint Genoveva Church, Napa Pae whose pastor is Fr. Prapas and Fr. Apinan as the assistant pastor. In the beginning, around 30 years ago, there were only 2 persons who received Baptism, then, the first chapel was built followed by the second and the number of Catholics have increased into 39 families, that’s around 193 persons. After consulting with Fr. Prapas, the faithful of the villages dismantled the old chapel and helped built a new one within 7 months. The preparation of the blessing of the Chapel was together with the 6 Maepon sisters and 4 postulants. On the March 2, 2024, H. E. Bishop F.X. Vira Arpondratana travelled from Mae Sariang to Ban Huai Hia to preside the Eucharistic celebration and blessing of the chapel. Father Durongrit translated H.E. Bp. Vira as H.E. taught and explained about the Bible. The children, youth and the housewives sang, danced and watch a vdo on Noah until late, the weather was very cold. There were around 250 people coming from nearby villages who attended the gathering.

Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary (Marina Sisters)
On March 9, 2024, the Sisters of Marina held the professing of perpetual vows ceremony for Sister Bernadette Kanokporn Melae- the first Akha sister of the congregation. H.E. Bishop F. X. Vira Arpondratana presided the ceremony with a large number of participants from different congregations joining in the celebration. Her vocation began as a home cook for the congregation for nine years, after which she developed an interest in dedicating herself as a sister to serving the young women following the example of the older sisters. She is the 10th Thai member to pledge lifelong vows to the congregation, belonging to St. Luke Church, Doi Ngam Village, Mae Suai, Chiangrai Province.
During the homily, H.E, Bishop Vira explained the reading from Jeremiah 1:4-10, where God chose each person for Himself since the beginning. He also continued on St. Paul’s Letter to the Colossians 3:12- 17, where he exhorts everyone to adorn themselves with love and to follow the Missionary spirit of Mother Maria Teresa Dupuy, their foundress. Mother Dupuy once said, “If there were no priests, there would be no Sacraments”; the sisters dedicate an hour of vigil a day for priestly vocations daily.
At present, the Marina Sisters have 3 houses to teach sewing to young women. These homes are located at Ban Marina- Chiang Mai which is the main home of the group, Ban Marina-Phayao Province and Ban Marina- Lamphun Province.

"Summer Religious Education Teachers Training 2024"
The National Catechetical Center (NCC) had the opening ceremony of the Summer Religious Education Training 2024 on March 18, 2024 with a Thanksgiving mass at 8:30 a.m. in the chapel of Saengtham Major Seminary. H.E. Bishop F.X. Vira Aprpondrata who is the Chairman of the committee together with priests and sisters presided the thanksgiving mass. The Director of NCC for 3 years term is Sr. Sripim Xavier, OSU.
The summer training course will be from March 18 – April 26, 2024 and there are Batch 37- 1st Year – 24 students, Batch 36- 2 nd Year – 16 students; Batch 35, 3 rd Year – 38 students, a total of 78 students. After three summers, certificates will be issued and the 3rd summer falls on 26th April, 2024 this year. Thankful to the supporters who sent students for training this summer.

A Home for Two Widows
This Lent season, the Catechists led by teacher Metha Saensrichaupan who is the leader of the
Catechists of the Hmong Redemptorist Parish with the team and villagers of the All Saints Church, Ban
Huai Niam, Mae Wang helped build a house for two housewives who have no place of their own to live.
The team built a one-story house with 2 bedrooms and before the March monthly holy mass
began, Fr. Joseph Narongchai Mansueksa blessed the house and they went to live in the home on Sunday,
March 3, 2024. Both of them were so happy and grateful to the Catechists and all of those who have
helped them to have a room to sleep.

Women “Join Forces to Care for the World”
The Chiang Mai Social Development Catholic Committee of Women’s Division operates under the Social Affairs Committee of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Thailand. The aims are to enable women to improve their quality of life, preserve their dignity in the image of God, know their rights, and role in serving society amidst changes in the world and Thai society. Women carry out activities in response to events and follow up on issues arising in society. The annual seminar of District 3 was held on March 8-10, 2024, at Phra Wisutthiwong Church, Huai Bong, and Chaiprakan.
In these 3 days, the Pope’s exhortation “Laudate Deum” was studied, they reflected on the message of Lent and exchanged ideas on the current situation in the community and planned how to move on. There were speakers coming from Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Fang who talked on different topics: “Laudato Si”- how to care for the common home, activities on “Joining forces to care for the world”, creating a peaceful society and spreading the Kingdom of God by Sister Lamduan Sricharoentrakul and team. Grateful for the support and encouragement of Fr. Chokdee of district 3, the sisters and the all women as well.

Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF)-SEA Conference
H.E. Bishop Francis Xavier Vira Arpondratana attended the CBF-SEA Conference with Father Anuphan, Ajarn Mon Singh, Sr. Kwan Riam and Sister Wimonrat held in Kuching Malaysia on March 11-15, 2024. The Coordinators for each country namely: the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, introduced themselves dressed up in their national costume on the first day. Among other things, the program consisted of discussions, sharing of activities done in each country, getting to know each other, planning and listened to the Pope’s message of the Jubilee Year 2025 shared by Cardinal Charles Bo from Myanmar through a vdo clip. It says that, the world has war and poverty and everyone must help each other. The Climate crisis can be helped by joining forces to care for the world and lastly, to repent and be interested in spiritual life. There was a cultural tour on the last day to know how the houses of different tribes are built. During the closing ceremony the CBF Secretary General- Father Jan from Rome, praised the CBF-SEA for the great cooperation among them. It was a great opportunity for The Thai group to understand and learn firsthand on how collaboration is very important. The next annual meeting will be in year 2028.

Holy Week 2024
The Holy Week begins with the Passion Sunday also called Palm Sunday which falls on 24th March. This day marks the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem just days before His crucifixion and it prepares the faithful to remember Christ’s death and resurrection. On 27th March is holy Wednesday- H.E. Bishop Francis Xavier Vira had a meeting with all the clergy of the diocese. During the meeting, updates were shared about the Summer Religious Camps in different parishes by Fr. Sirichai Bunghasawan of the Evangelization Committee while H.E. Bishop Vira shared Catechetical teaching techniques. The action plan of the CBCT project on “Unite Forces to Care for Creation” was presented by Dr. Sunthorn and Fr. Thamanoon Jindadujaichon, the coordinator of the project. As customary, the Chrism mass was held in the evening at the Sacred Heart Cathedral where all the priests concelebrates with H. E. Bishop F. X. Vira Arpondratana. During the mass the sacred Chrism is consecrated and the oils are blessed. Their priestly consecration and vows were renewed. Fr. Michael Tidkham Jailert, SCJ and Fr. Luke Khamma Amphaipipat celebrated their silver anniversary of priesthood and it added to the solemnity of the night’s celebration. Holy Thursday – The Last Supper with the apostles and Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist. He gave His new commandment to love one another and showed an example of loving by serving through the washing of the feet. On Good Friday- the Way of the Cross led by the Parish priest followed by the adoration of the holy Cross. Holy Saturday- Easter Vigil mass where the ceremony starts with the blessing of the fire, easter candle and the water. EASTER SUNDAY-The Lord is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia! HAPPY EASTER!