The Catholic Student Network in the North of Thailand
The Northern Catholic Student Network organized a friendly sports event on November 11-12, 2023. Three competitions were available: football, volleyball, and Takraw. Northern Catholic students from various clubs met each other and engage in a friendly sport competition. The objective is for students to build relationships among Catholic students in each club to promote physical and mental health. To make students know how to lose, know how to win, and how to forgive. It was a successful day.

Retreat on “The Miracle of Life”
On November 10-11, 2023, Sister Teresa Khamsat Pongge and Sister Joan of Arc Arun Praikhajee, S.C.J brought silence to the SFX Minor seminary to reflect on the topic “The Miracle of Life”. Together with the Rector- Father Joseph Saravuth Haeto, they conducted the retreat for the seminarians which made them practice mindfulness in walking, to practice inner silence.

Blessing of St. Paul Church Ban Pratu Mueang, Mae Wang
Mueang, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province, is one of the 14 branches of the Saint Paul Huai Tong Church. On November 24, 2023, Father Gabriel Phonchai Sukjai, the pastor and assistant pastor-Father Thomas Hiran Klinbuakaew, S.C.J. with two sisters of Mae Pon; organized the blessing event and this was the 3rd branch to be blessed by H.E. Bishop F.X. Vira Arpondratana.
About 40 years ago there were only 3 Christians, at present, there are about 20 Christian families. The construction of this church in July 2003 was possible through an anonymous person in the Moondance group with the villagers helping to come up with their own budget of approximately seven hundred thousand baht. This is a beautiful church. Many came to attend the ceremony to show support and encouragement to one another.

47th Executive Committee Meeting (Youth Conference)
On Tuesday 21 – Thursday 23 November 2023 at Holiday Garden Hotel, Chiang Mai, the Catholic Committee for Lay Christians, Youth Department, organized a meeting on the Annual Ordinary Session of the Executive Committee. They discussed policies and directions for youth pastoral work for years 2023 – 2030 as guidelines for preparing youth pastoral plans at the local level. There was sharing of the results on youth pastoral work including challenges currently occurring at the diocesan level, The youth pastoral work 2024 is also being considered and planned in order to make youth pastoral work effective based on the youth pastoral care policy and direction established. It was a successful meeting with approximately 40 people attending.

Saint Francis Xavier Feast Day 2023
On November 29, 2023, the Pastoral and Evangelization Department of the St. Francis Xavier Convent of Samsen, Bangkok organized a thanksgiving ceremony for the celebration of St. Francis Xavier- the patron saint of the school, though the feast day falls on 3rd December of every year. Bishop Francis Xavier Vira Apondratana, of the Diocese of Chiang Mai was invited to preside over the ceremony also as an opportunity to celebrate His Excellency’s namesake. The school also gives support to the mission of His Excellency in the Diocese of Chiang Mai.

All Saints Day and All Souls Day 2023
On November 1, Roman Catholics and other Christians around the world observe All Saints Day, which honors all saints of the church who are with God. One great tradition and practice associated with the Solemnity of All Saints is going to Mass – it is a Holy Day of Obligation! Every time we go to Mass, we remember the saints in a special way in the Eucharist.
On 2nd November Catholics celebrate a Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. Also known as All Souls Day, on this day we honor them for their fidelity in life, as well as pray for them, since they are being purified before entering the All Holy Presence of God. We remember in a special way our loved ones who have departed and all those who have worked so that many may receive the Good News. The Sacred Heart parish offered several masses in honor of the Bishops and priests who have served the Diocese in the past and are now departed. A solemn mass at the cemetery presided by H. E. Bishop Francis Xavier Vira Arpondratana was celebrated.