HE IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! (Holy Thursday, GOOD Friday, Holy Saturday Vigil and Easter Sunday Celebrations!)
The Holy Week which started on Palm Sunday all through the Easter Sunday is the greatest feast the Catholic Church celebrates. From the city of Rome where the Pope resides, in the big Cathedrals and churches, to the small and humble village chapels in the middle of the mountains of the northern Thailand; holy week has never been so alive and full of meaningful activities for the Catholic communities especially the youth and children.
Parish priests, religious brothers and sisters, catechists and volunteers held Summer Catechetical (Religious Education) camps in preparations for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confession and Confirmation culminating on EASTER Sunday! The celebration of the TRIDUUM was participated in a solemn and heartfelt way. H.E. Bishop Vira was the main celebrant in some of the parishes. To mention two; in Mae Taeng subdistrict, 180 youths attended in a 9 days camp hosted by the Capuchin Fathers and Brother with a 25 members team. and another day in the Divine Mercy parish where the Identes Missionaries serve the community coming from different ethnic groups. This is the best time of the year when faith is renewed, transmitted and inculcated in the hearts and mind of the community members starting from the youngest. Easter Sunday was a day of great joy for the Christian community to gather together and celebrate. HAPPY EASTER, ALLELUIA!
Ref: Posted in FB Chiangmai Diocese Apr.3-10,2023) Photos taken from different parishes.